Roebourne District
State Emergency Service

Emergency Response and Natural Disaster Support
SES volunteers come from many walks of life, backgrounds and professions. In fact, the main thing SES volunteers have in common is a desire to make a contribution within their community.
SES volunteers make themselves available to respond to emergencies when required, depending on their individual skills and training.
Volunteers receive comprehensive training to enable them to perform the tasks required.
The benefits of becoming an SES volunteer are immense. Volunteers have opportunities to develop new, skills, form new friendships, accept high levels of responsibility and enjoy the team spirit of a tightly knit group.
Preparedness, Emergency Response & Recovery
Cyclones are a risk to northern coastal areas of Western Australia between 1st November and 30th April each year, and may cause damage through extremely high winds, flooding from widespread and intense rainfall, and in some cases storm surge.
Land Search and Rescue
Support & Emergency Response
Volunteers are trained in a number of search techniques and required to have specific skills including map reading and navigation, first aid, field craft, observation (both day and night), and tracking.
Preparedness, Emergency Response & Recovery
Flooding can occur in any part of Western Australia at any time, although in the past decade it has occurred mostly in the North West of the State due to rainfall associated with cyclones.
Bushfire Support
Welfare Support and Transportation of Supplies
Support our local emergency services such as DFES Fire and Rescue by providing UHF/VHF communications support and welfare support (food and drinks).
Preparedness, Emergency Response & Recovery
Severe storms accompanied by lightning, hail and flash flooding can cause damage to homes and properties if homeowners and residents are unprepared.
First Aid, General Basic Rescue, Navigation & more
SES volunteers are trained to respond and counter the effects of natural and man-made emergencies and incidents to ensure the community of Western Australia is safe.

Our Purpose
To assist the community to cope with natural or man-made emergencies.
Our area is subjected to harsh weather conditions such as temperatures up to 45degC, thunderstorms, torrential rain and tropical cyclones.
2023 Numbers