
Know your risk

With an average of five tropical cyclones each season from November to April, the coastline between Exmouth and Broome is also one of the most cyclone-prone in Australia.
Not all cyclones are created equal. While some are relatively weak and cause only minor damage, others can be truly destructive.

Even if a cyclone is downgraded before crossing land, it doesn’t mean the threat isn’t real. It can still bring destructive winds, torrential rainfall, flooding and dangerous storm surge .
Most tropical cyclones will also bring heavy swells to the coast and dangerous wind and flooding to inland communities.
Your safety is your responsibility. Get prepared and stay informed during cyclone season.

Have a plan
If everyone in your household agrees on a plan before cyclone season, you'll be much better prepared to face whatever nature throws your way.
Deciding what to do during a cyclone is only half the battle. Once the cyclone has passed, you'll also need to have a plan for what to do next.
Start by writing down the answers to these questions:

For more information and in-depth planning, refer to the Cyclone Smart brochure.

Know when to take action
The warning system shows when and what actions you should take. When a cyclone is forecast, stay informed and monitor the alerts and warnings on Emergency WA or listen to your local ABC radio station.

Tip: Remember, even if a cyclone is downgraded, torrential rain, strong winds and storm surge can still cause flooding.

Pack your emergency kit
An emergency kit provides essential items for your family’s short-term survival and should be stored it in an easy-to-grab place.
Remember when packing your kit that you may be without power and water for several days or weeks after a cyclone, and shops may not be open.

For more information and in-depth planning, refer to the emergency kit checklist.