Triple Zero (OOO)
Knowing how to call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency can be the difference between life and death.
Stay focused, stay relevant, stay on the line
Is someone seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help?
Is your life or property being threatened?
Have you just witnessed a serious accident or crime?
If you answered YES call Triple Zero (000). Triple Zero calls are free.​
The Triple Zero (000) service is the quickest way to get the right emergency service to help you.
It should be used to contact Police, Fire or Ambulance service in life threatening or emergency situations.
Calls to Triple Zero (000) are free and can be made from mobile phones, home or work phones or pay phones. There a few simple steps to take when making a Triple Zero (000) call:
Stay calm and call Triple Zero (000) from a safe location.
A Telstra operator will ask you if you need Police, Fire or Ambulance. Say the service that you require. If you are calling using a mobile or satellite phone the operator will ask you for other location information.
You will then be connected to an emergency service operator, who will take details of the situation.
Stay on the line, speak clearly and answer the operator's questions.
Give the nominated emergency service operator the details of where you are, including street number, name, nearest cross street, and locality. In rural areas it is important to give the full address and distances from landmarks and roads, not just the name of the property.
Don't hang up until the operator has all the information they need.
If possible wait outside at a prearranged meeting point or in a prominent location for emergency services to arrive to assist them to locate the emergency.
If you make a Triple Zero (000) call whilst travelling on a Motorway or on a rural road, identifying the direction you are travelling and the last exit or town you passed through will assist emergency services to correctly locate the incident.
Emergency+ Smartphone application

​Important – if there is no mobile coverage on any network, you will not be able to reach the Emergency Call Service via a mobile telephone​​.
Emergency+ is a free application developed by Australia's emergency services and industry partners. The application works across Australia, using GPS functionality built into smartphones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilise emergency services. First launched in 2013, the application has been downloaded more than 2.2 million times and has provided assistance to people facing an emergency.
Location accuracy is critical information for Triple Zero (000) call takers. The quicker an accurate location is established, the sooner emergency services can be dispatched and render assistance. With the vast majority of Triple Zero (000) calls originating from mobile telephones today, the Emergency+ application is a vital Government initiative to improve public safety and emergency service response times.​